Arcade Rocker For Web And iPhone

OOh yes, I’ve been waiting for this day for so long! After two years of my personal involvement in the Arcade Rocker project, I can reveal you its details – something that is going to shake up the world of music games.

You’ve heard it right, Arcade Rocker is a music/rhythm game in the spirit of Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Jam Legend, and even Tap Tap Revenge. How are we (disclosure: Ultimate Guitar USA, LLC) going to revolutionize the music gaming industry with such a banal idea, you ask? Well, I told you only the very basics of the concept.

Arcade Rocker

Arcade Rocker is a game that lets you rock out with any (ok, not literally any) song in your personal music collection. Let an excerpt from our press release bluntly speak for me:

No longer are you limited to only playing the tiny selection of recordings that other music/rhythm game companies choose for you. Arcade Rocker puts you in charge of what recordings you jam with; directly on your PC or Mac you can choose and play music from your personal collection using the free Arcade Rocker Player.

This means that you are not offered to stream, download or upload anything (like in other games in this genre). The website already has game play data (note charts) for other 14,000 popular songs (with more being added each month), and all you have to do is to pick your favorite music, find the desired songs on the Arcade Rocker website, and play them in the built-in player/game. As you can see, the potential is huge.

The charts have been generated automatically, so some of them are not synched up with music the way we would like them too, and we know about this. The generation algorithms are being improved, and what is even cooler – soon we’ll announce the Arcade Rocker Editor, built to provide an easy way to customize the existing game play files and create your own (from any recording).

The website is free, and don’t require you to have a game console (you play with a keyboard).

Arcade Rocker iPhone

This is the spiciest part… Simultaneously with the web version, we have released Arcade Rocker for iPhone / iPod Touch, available as a free application (iTunes link), with Play Packs required in order to play any songs, and a $4.99 version (iTunes link) without any limitations.

Here are few screenshots to spice up your interest (more Arcade Rocker related reports coming soon):

Have you tried either web or iPhone version? Let me know your thoughts, any feedback is appreciated.
