As I Lay Dying: It Is About Doing More On Tours
IIn an interview posted on Ultimate Guitar minutes ago, a guitarist of the legendary metal band As I Lay Dying, Nick Hipa, made a simple, but yet so right comment about performing live and touring nowadays.
When asked by Joe Matera, how important the musician thinks is touring these days with the way the whole internet and downloading issue has affected the industry in general, Nick said:

Photo credit: Rudy De Doncker
Selective touring is the name of the game now so it is not about how much touring but about when you do tours, to do more thorough tours.
Do every country and every big city and do them as well as you can so you don’t have to keep on going through them as often. The cost of touring has gone up immensely because of fuel costs and because everyone has increased their fees for everything from airlines to backline companies.
So it is much more expensive to tour today. And for us, because Tim has a family now and Phil is married, we don’t want to go out longer than we need to. On the flipside though, touring has been how we’ve been able to do this band since the early days, by touring as hard as we have in the past. It is what we have to do to make our living from this.
My point is that concerts are as important to musicinas as ever (even more than ever), but the approach is becoming different – especially for the relatevely smaller bands.
You can read the original interview at this location.