Rockethub Launches Crowdfunding Community Site
CCrowdsourcing and crowdfunding can be a huge part of a rising musician’s business model. Whether you’re trying to raise money for a single, an album, a European tour, a music video, or literally anything else, crowdfunding can make that happen if you do it right.
And thanks to Rockethub’s newly launched community site, that’s about to get a lot easier.
“Musicians should know that crowdfunding regardless of the platform is still work,” cautioned Brian Meece, one of Rockethub’s founders. “It takes a strategy and organized thought to make the campaign come together.”
But formulating that strategy can be daunting, and finding information about what works and what doesn’t is difficult; crowdfunding is a relatively new idea, and aside from the odd user of the crowdfunding hashtag on Twitter, most artists, already unfamiliar with the demands of fund-raising, have few places to turn.
That’s where comes in. The site was founded, Meece explained, on the idea of “learning [from] and supporting each other.”
To draw users and curious crowdfunders to the site, Meece and his partners wrote something they call The Crowdfunding Manifesto, essentially a road map that anyone can follow, “to galvanize both our community and help the overall ‘Crowdfunding for Creatives’ movement,” Meece explained.
The Manifesto helps artists understand what’s required to successfully fund projects based on their size, the importance of rewards, and what kinds should be offered, and more. Its insights can be applied to any crowdfunding platform, whether it’s Rockethub or a competitor like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo.
That is one of the most important things about Rockethub. “We really consider the other platforms colleagues in this new sector,” Meece stressed. “We share mentions by bloggers, radio shows, news articles etc. – and have a lot to learn from each other. In the end, choice stimulates demand for the overall market – and the pie gets bigger, which is good for all of us.”
Whether that means gaining insights into Kickstarter’s “fund and follow” approach, or chatting with fellow crowdfunders in Rockethub’s forums is up to you. The important thing is that there is now a place for you to do it.
Courtesy of Reposted with permission.