On Getting That Work Done!
It’s easy to do a technical tutorial on how to perform something with a sequencer, but it’s different telling people something that has to do with the mental side of things rather than technical.
It’s easy to do a technical tutorial on how to perform something with a sequencer, but it’s different telling people something that has to do with the mental side of things rather than technical.
This blog post comes courtesy of Finnish drum & bass artist Fanu, real name Janne Hatula. Trust us, it IS inspiring, so please read on.
If you’re preparing to record your first studio album, you’re probably dealing with a mix of emotions that range from excitement to pure fear. To ensure the recording process goes smoothly, though, you need to put these feelings on the back burner and prepare yourself in the following ways.
Budgeting is something that I witness independent acts royally cocking up all the time; even some of the more successful ones.
With summer fast approaching, there are 5 music business books you need to read! Dotted Music’s Sam Agini presents a quick guide to your reading list.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself as a performing artist is to stay healthy. Here are a few tips to help you along.