
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Music Lessons

Keeping all these parameters in mind, you must strive to get the most out of your music lessons.

Metric: From Small Indie Group To International Pop Rock Success

The band started off with a modest following, but it wasn’t until a few years after their their album, Live It Out (2005) that things started changing for the group.

How Music Makes You Happy

Music triggers the same happiness chemical (dopamine) as sex, drugs, gambling and food. Music creates emotional arousal and causes changes in a person’s heart rate, pulse and breathing rate.

Astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield Talks About SoundCloud

When Canadian astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield was as far from home as a human can get, he used SoundCloud to share the sounds of the International Space Station and connect with everyone back on Earth.

Nashville, TN

The Best US Cities For Musicians (That Are Not NYC Or LA)

The Big Apple and the City of Angels boast success for many musicians, but the music world is vaster than just two cities.


6 Things You Need To Develop The Talent In You

Being talented is a great thing, but gaining success through your talent will require you to work hard towards it. Below are few important guidelines to follow.