How To Get The Most Out Of Your Music Lessons

JJohn Miles sang in as early as 1976, “Music was my first love, It will be my last, Music of the future, Music of the past.” Take an inspiration from him to get most out of music lessons. LOVE music, not just go through the routine. If you love music, the rest will follow as spring follows winter.

A family, especially if it is musically inclined, will be rightly proud of a recruit marked for music lessons. Joining a music class always turns out to be a big commitment for the concerned family. Musical instruments are not exactly cheap. Nor are the music lessons.

Photo credit: champaignschoolofmusic

Photo credit: champaignschoolofmusic

The pupil, more often than not, will find himself in the throes of paucity of time because individual practice and group practice are to be accommodated within her daily schedule at different timings. Keeping all these parameters in mind, you must strive to get the most out of your music lessons.

Practice Schedules

Within the constraints of time, try and set up a daily practice schedule. Study carefully your other activities like school and sports and allot a most convenient time for music lessons. It is most important that you are at your relaxed best in order to imbibe the intricacies of music and the nuance of practice. A 30 minute practice session may be sufficient for some and some others may find it inadequate. Remember more the practice, more the achievement.

Bear with the progres bar

Parents will do well to check on their wards’ progress without being seemingly overbearing. Someone, even if they are parents, breathing down their necks will hardly lend a conducive atmosphere for the boys and girls. A judicial mixture of indulgence and strictness is what is required. Mistakes are to be corrected instantaneously even if it takes several times for the student to correct himself.

Listening is the best way to learn

One of the proven methods of learning music is to simultaneously listening to a piece of music and playing it in the chosen instrument. Though it is not possible to correct oneself at the same instant ordinarily, if you have an advance playback system, you can go back to where you need correction and attempt corrections. For example, finger placement is always an area of difficulty in playing violin. If you can relentlessly attempt correcting yourself, you can achieve the best possible result.

Keep your timetables open ended

Ideally, new lessons should be started at the beginning of the week and end with the week. It is no one’s case that this should be a strict regimen. When an extension is obviously needed, it should be given.

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Photo credit:

Communicate with your teacher

Interaction with the tutor is to be desired most. If there is a doubt about music itself, the problems with practice, stagnation at some point, even boredom experienced should all be discussed openly with the tutor.

There is no specific way learn music in the best way except for practise

Most importantly, music lessons are not lessons in the strictest sense that is normally associated with mathematics or a physics lab experiment. Involvement is the most important requirement of a learner of music. Remember the deep satisfaction that you yourself derive and offer to others from music. Make it a fun activity!

Written by Naomi Stillinger is employed to manage online reputation for Sainsburys.
