Dotted Musiс

Dotted Music Blog Is 5

That’s right, the Dotted Music blog has been around for five years now. So weird, feels both like it was all 15, and that it was only 5 months ago that I launched it.

How Artists Helped Me Discover My Ultimate Mission In Life

The story of my life. And how musicians have been shaping it.

Happy 2014!

I and the whole Dotted Music team join Hank in the congratulations and wish you a Happy New Year!

How To Get Press Coverage For Your Music? #Webinar

The free webinar will be packed with examples of how to not do media outreach, tips on approaching press so that someone actually writes about you, and on how to make blogs and magazines care about what you do.

When Band Members Become Zombies… Kill Them

Today we take the idea of engaging Flesh Roxon’s fans via mobile apps further, by announcing the release of a branded arcade game called Flesh Roxon’s Zombie Rock, available for all Android devices.

Zombie Road Trip & Flesh Roxon

Zombie Rock Band Flesh Roxon & Mobile Game Zombie Road Trip: A Match Made In Hell

The band, signed to Live Nation Finland, presents a special bundle inside the app, allowing gamers to slay zombies with a branded saw launcher under the catchy lines of their song “Suck My Chainsaw.”