
The Three-Hour Song Recording Challenge

Gift experience specialists, Red Letter Days, challenged the band, the Crying Skies, to record one of their brand new tracks complete with a finished live mix, within the seemingly impossible timeframe of just a few hours. Read on to find out how they did on the challenge.

The End Of Purgatory And Other Good News At #NMS15

Industry professionals, artists, and media converged in midtown Manhattan at the illustrious New Yorker Hotel for the 2015 New Music Seminar three-day conference on trends, opportunities, and ideas on how to grow the business.

Thank You, Zombies; A Reminder Of Why We Do What We Do

Read on as one of our writers, Josh Urban, writes about getting overwhelmed with the daunting challenges of the new music market and how there are some things (in the form of a fourth grade class) that remind him why he is doing what he is doing.


5 Musical Innovations Proving That Great Musicians Are Entrepreneurs

Musicians and the people who build successful companies might seem, on the surface, miles apart—in the field of innovation, however, great musicians are essentially entrepreneurs.

Music Business Models. Case Study #4: Sarah Michel

This series of Music Business Model essays show how 4 artists have created a business around their music. The last case study in the series features Sarah Michel.

Music Business Models. Case Study #3: Linda Buratto

This series of Music Business Model essays show how 4 artists have created a business around their music. This week’s case study features Linda Buratto, an Italian guitar player and vocalist.