
Facts And Myths Of Becoming A Professional Musician

“What does it take to become a professional guitar player and musician?” The answer remains a huge mystery for the vast majority of people. Traditionally, conventional wisdom has offered three separate statements that are supposed to be answers or explanations to the question.

People Who Will Help Your Music Business Career

Over and over I hear from musicians who either can’t grasp the business side of their careers, don’t want to learn and implement it, or just don’t have the time to take on more responsibilities outside of writing, recording and performing. The good news is that there is help!

Strategic Marketing Ideas To Sell Your CDs

As an independent musician, you are the person responsible for marketing your CDs to your fans. This can take a lot of time and energy, but if you work smarter, you may be able to maximize your efforts so you don’t have to spend all your time trying to get those CDs sold.

You Are A Product, Sell Yourself!

So you’ve got the perfect song written, recorded and ready to launch to the world. The only thing that’s missing is you! There are thousands of artists making great music, but what really makes a band stand out is the band themselves.

Making Low-Budget Viral Music Videos

The digital media revolution has changed the music industry. The emergence of YouTube, now the second largest search engine on the web, has given small-time artists the opportunity to become international superstars overnight. But exactly how can musicians successfully leverage video sharing technology?

Fire Your Slacker Band! Part IV: Basic Recording

At this point in the articles, we’ve established a project, written a few songs, got some cool words to sing (if that’s what we’re into), and we’re ready to rock, right? Hold on, soldier! We need some gigs, fans, and downloads.