You Searched For "Marketing Methods"

Untapped Potential: Alternative Income Streams For Musicians

Making a living from art, it’s what every musician wants. A difficult task, that often takes a long time. Becoming successful in the music industry is a marathon, not a sprint.

Has Pretty Lights Shown Indie Musicians The Way? #Opinion

Musicians and industry representatives answer the question: is the “Pretty Lights way” the answer to being discovered and promoting your music in today’s new musical paradigm?


The Magnificent Marketability Of Music & Fashion

Through several years of study from an academic, professional, as well as a personal perspective, I’ve come to gain an understanding of the history surrounding both the music and fashion industries, respectively.

Moozar: Get The Link, Share It, Reward The Music

Moozar is the latest service to propose a new kind of business model. Be ready with your viral marketing techniques!

‘Echo With The Sounds Of Salesmen’ – How To Promote Yourself At A Gig

When you play gigs, you have an opportunity to promote your product to a public that may be prospectively interested in what you have to offer.

Five Upcoming Music Business Books You Need To Know About

With summer fast approaching, there are 5 music business books you need to read! Dotted Music’s Sam Agini presents a quick guide to your reading list.