
What Sort Of Record Does Your Band Need?

Your band has been rehearsing for months; you’ve gotten super tight, you’ve written some killer songs and now you’re thinking of heading into the studio to cut some tracks. Well, that’s great and all, but have you really thought about…

What’s That Square In Your Stocking?

According to the British Recorded Music Industry (BPI), stockings this Christmas will be filled with up to 20 million CDs. The most obvious response to this is: Why?

How To Add Value To Your Band’s CDs

Fans want music it’s true, but fans also want mementos, they want something special, and that special something is what they’re prepared to pay for.

CDs To Be Dead In Five Years?

The chief-executive of one of the largest entertainment retailers in the UK says the CD will be dead in five years time. What do you think on this?

CD Duplication And CD Replication – What’s The Difference Anyway?

‘Duplication’ and ‘Replication’ are two terms which you’ve almost certainly heard bandied about before, but what exactly is duplication and what exactly is replication? And what’s the difference between the two?!

Making The Disc-Packaging Decision For Your Album

Do you get the traditional jewel case, or the thin jewel case? Do you choose a digipak with multiple full-color panels, or do you just chuck it in a paper sleeve and go the simple route?