
Where People Are Discovering New Music In 2018?

This infographic shows some interesting stats, illustrating the increase in popularity in streaming services which indicates the importance of strategies. Most interestingly, 85% of people still listen to music through the radio.

Music Careers For Your Personality Type

Music Careers For Your Personality Type #Infographic

Don’t forget your personality. It can also dictate which areas you would better succeed in in the music industry.

Music Streaming: The True Cost

Music Streaming: The True Cost

Revenues from subscription streaming services for music in the U.S. accounted for 27% of music sales across all formats in 2014. Check out this infographic to learn how much artists are really earning from the top streaming services.

Electrifying Music

Electrifying Music: The Impact Of Engineering On Music #Infographic

This infographic sheds some light on the innovative contributions of music engineers throughout history and solidify the notion that engineers will continue to play an impactful role in musical expression.

How To Produce A Chart-Topping Music Blog #Infographic

With a little help from this guide, you’ll understand what it takes to be a master blogger with some key points on royalties, permissions and copyrights.

How Vinyl Records Made Their Comeback #Infographic

Vinyl has seen a real resurgence in population recently. Our friends over at Liberty Games have looked at how vinyl records have managed to make a comeback and just how popular they are right now.