artin Frascogna Talks On The Anti-360 Deals And International Music Promotion #Podcast

MGT11: International Music Promotion & The Anti-360 Deals – Martin Frascogna

In this We Spin Recipes podcast episode, we talked about the books Martin has co-written, the 360 Deals, the Anti-360 Deals, promoting music acts in new countries, partnerships, Billboard charts & more.

Is Your Business Stealing? Music, That Is…

Stealing music isn’t just about illegal downloading – your business could be culpable too.

Artists’ Lobby Attacks New EU Music Copyright Directive

Samuel Agini reports on a European directive that would “force companies that manage music rights to pay artists their royalties more speedily”.

S(T)OPA As Perceived By A Law Academic

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is part of a seemingly more aggressive legislative strategy designed to combat the unauthorised infringement of IP rights on the Internet along with its (ugly) sisters the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA).