Reclusive RIAA And Katy Perry Is A Sim

SSometimes I really don’t know where to start.

A resolution of silence?

Before I write a blog post for Dotted Music, I always check and re-check the RIAA website. I think the RIAA’s latest antics (okay, okay: exploits) are my favourite blog post topic.

The thing about the RIAA is that it’s always a hot topic. There’s nobody who doesn’t want to discuss or read about the RIAA.

But the RIAA has been relatively quiet recently. I’m not sure if the good guys at the Recording Industry Association of America are yet recovering from an extremely wild festive period, or if their notable blogging and press release silence has something more to do with their real life interest in pushing SOPA.

Whatever the problem, I hope they’re back soon.

In other news, Katy Perry is set to become a Sim. In a collaboration with EA, Katy, or Katy’s likeness, will feature in a special edition of The Sims 3: Showtime.

The game, set for release in March, will probably earn the newly-single Katy a few pennies to play with.

But, most importantly, has Katy really considered the extent to which owners of the game will play with her? We all know how many peculiar Sims videos are uploaded to Youtube on a daily basis!

“I love how you’re able to play out different stories through your Sims characters,” says Katy, “Giving the different careers and watching them succeed. It’s cool to see the Sims’ stage performances in The Sims 3 Showtime decked out just like my California Dreams Tour – even my cotton candy video screens are in there! I always like to think of myself as a cartoon, and now I’m a Sim!”

I suppose that most of us would like the attention, but is this kind of thing really necessary? EMI definitely needs the financial boost, and milking successful artists like Katy Perry is all well and good, but it just supports the view that the modern artist is more than a musician; or is that less?

Samuel Agini is the Editor of Andrew Apanov’s Dotted Music. Please contact him at He will reply to most emails and would love to hear from you.
