Reasons Why People Will Share Your Music Video

DDear Artist,

I get it! Your grocery budget just got a lot smaller, because you scraped together just enough money to record this hit you’ve been losing sleep over! You have this friend who does video and is willing to make you a dope video for free (because honestly, they want to get their name out there, just as badly as you want a video! Happy coincidence!)

Something’s cooking! This is it!

You release your video and ask all of your Facebook friends to share it. 10 oblige (3 of them live with you, 4 of them were involved in making the video, and the other 3 shared it because they forgot to share your last video – they feel guilty).

You hit 2000 views…and it stays that way…for a long, long time. But the video was SO GOOD!


When you don’t have a budget for marketing (I’m not gonna knock you for being broke. It happens), your product needs to speak for itself. It’s the least you can do!

So let’s start over, and this time take out a notepad. (I’ll wait while you go get it. Don’t forget a pen.)

Write “Reasons Why People Will Share My Music Video”.

Here they are:

It Sucked Really Bad! [What on earth??!! #Fail ]

People WILL let the whole world know when you’ve failed. I’m going to pass over this point because I really hope this isn’t the reason you go viral.

It Draws on Emotions! [If you don’t cry watching this, you don’t have a heart #SoReal ]

Reasons Why People Will Share Your Music Video

John Legend – All Of Me

Getting this response out of people isn’t as hard as you’d think it is. All you have to do is master The Art of Vulnerability. Be real. The stories you tell best, are your own. So dig deep, feel angry, hurt, sad or inspired and pass it on!

It’s HILARIOUS! [PAHAHA! I just died laughing at this #LOL ]

You have shared this kind of video without a 2nd thought! You just can’t help yourself! It’s just so freaking funny, you have to pass it on. It’s okay not to take yourself so seriously. Sometimes the joke can be on you. Entertain your fans!

It’s Controversial! [ OMG! Have y’all seen this? What do you think?! #Crazy ]

Reasons Why People Will Share Your Music Video

Nicki Minaj – Anaconda

I’m not saying you have to be Kanye or Nicki Minaj with this one. I AM saying that controversy gets a conversation going, and that’s something that’ll take your video a long way. People don’t have to agree with whatever you say or show…they just need to talk about it! *wink*

It’s Incredible! [WOW! …I mean… just… wow!!! #WTH #ThisIsInsane #SimplyAmazing ]

Floor people! This one is hard because it takes a combination of incredible production, incredible lyrics, incredible delivery and an incredible video. But if you can manage to make something so out of the box and undeniable, people will push it because it’s so amazing, “you just have to watch it!”

It’s Sexy! [Watch it now before it gets banned from Youtube! #Sexy #Hott ]

Sex sells. Moving on…

It’s Inspiring! [Good morning world! Here’s something for your Monday! #BeInspired ]

Where there’s depression, pain and anger (Earth), there are people who want to spread light. Fill your video with light! This one is good because any time someone feels kind of down, they’ll remember your video and return to it over and over. Hello, rise in views!

It’s Educational! [Am I the only one who didn’t know this? #HadNoIdea ]

This will probably apply a lot more to hip hop artists…yay you! You have the chance to tell people something they didn’t know before, and look cool doing it! A lot of hip hop artists have accomplished this and I don’t see why you can’t be one of them.


There you have it! Pens down.

Simply having a music video used to be impressive, but with a Canon in every other hand, you’ve got to go a step beyond hitting “record”. Think about these points when you’re about to work on your next video.

Of course I have assumed that your music is really good, and that beyond a music video, you have a campaign lined up.

I’ll leave you with this: Pay attention to this information and you’ll be successful. Be consistent with this information and you’ll maintain that success.

Good luck!


Barbadian born Camille Evelyn is passionate about art in all of its forms. This hip hop artist/songwriter by the name of Adaeze, is also known for her gifts in film, fashion, brand management and campaign development.

Contact her at or connect on Twitter @AdaezeLyrics, Facebook/Instagram/Youtube – AdaezeLyrics
