MGT98: How To Start Licensing Your Music – Joyce Kettering

JJoyce Kettering is an experienced full-time musician, and the person to go to if you want to learn about music licensing. In 2016 alone Joyce composed, produced and placed over 50 of her tracks.

MGT98: Joyce Kettering

MGT98: Joyce Kettering

Naturally, as someone who wants to learn more about music licensing, I talked to Joyce! As the result we’ve got this Music Growth Talks episode, and here are just some of the topics it covers: how to earn consistently through music licensing, what kind of income to expect, how much time it takes to submit your music to directories, how to research keywords for your songs so they get discovered, what kinds of deals and companies to avoid, how not to undervalue your music, where and how to find good stock music libraries, and so on. There is a lot to take in from this show.

BONUS: Joyce generously decided to give away her “30 Day Licensing Challenge” course she mentions in the show to the MGT listeners, for free! UPDATE: The course is now free for all, enroll at this location!

Listen to this podcast episode in full to see how you can start with music licensing, no matter where you are in your music career, and to hear Joyce’s answer to the the question, “What kind of music should you write for licensing?”

You can listen to today’s episode below:

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Show Notes:
