Stand Above The Noise

Mary Ramos: How To Get Attention Of Music Supervisors #SAtN

An insightful interview with Mary Ramos, a music supervisor for Quentin Tarantino movies, recorded at Sync Summit Paris 2014.

Electronic Music Events Discovery With Beatguide #SAtN

Beatguide is a free service and mobile application helping to discover electronic music events in different cities across the globe.

Interview With Eventbrite CTO Renaud Visage #SAtN

Renaud Visage, the CTO of Eventbrite, told us the story of the popular ticketing service and explained who it’s created for in the interview for Stand Above The Noise.

Digital Music Trends’ Andrea Leonelli From Berlin Music Week #SAtN

Andrea Leonelli, the founder of the Digital Music Trends podcast, gave us an interview at this year’s WORD! Conference (which is a part of Berlin Music Week), where he hosted a panel with Eric Mackay from VEVO.

How To Reach More Fans With Shazam #SAtN

In this special SAtN episode from Berlin Music Week’s WORD! conference, Jonathan Davies from Shazam explains how the world’s most popular music recognition service works, how its database is being updated and how it helps musicians sell more music.

How To Place Your Music On AUPEO! Personal Radio #SAtN

The second part of the interview with Steffen Holly, covering the sophisticated algorithms behind the AUPEO! Personal Radio, and how to actually place your music on the AUPEO! Personal Radio.