Bands: The Game

Facebook Game ‘Bands’ Gives Musicians New Revenue Stream

Newtracks, a 9 month old nouvelle game company from Berlin have set an exciting new trend of virtual concerts via their flagship product, a Facebook app called Bands.

James Moore On Why Your Band Is A Virus [Dotted Music Talks #02]

The second edition of the Dotted Music talks podcast features an interview with James Moore, a Canadian music promoter and author of “Your Band Is A Virus,” recently rereleased as an Expanded Edition.

Bobby Owsinski On What’s Getting Us Closer To ‘Music 4.0’ [Dotted Music Talks #01]

Andrew Apanov’s interview with Bobby Owsinski, a music industry veteran and the author of “Music 3.0” and 16 other books on audio recording and mixing, as well as the music business.

Musik & Talang Project Manager: ‘The Pay-To-Play Scheme Hasn’t Come To Finland Yet’

An interview with Simon Ventus, project manager of Musik & Talang – annual music business conference for independent musicians, held in Finland (primarily for Swedesh-speaking audience).

Gosteffects: Tearing The Scene Up

New York City electro producer Gosteffects arrived on the scene proper courtesy of tracks which charted at #1 on The Hype Machine’s charts. In the exclusive Dotted Music interview, the artists talks Hypem, new music.

Keith Olsen On Success In Music: ‘Being Good Isn’t Good Enough. You Have To Be Great’

Here is one inspirational quote we found in the Keith Olsen interview Ultimate Guitar writer Joe Matera did not so long ago.